The upper house of the USA has passed broad energy legislation with a huge majority of bi-partisan support.

The bill, which aims to strike a balance between conventional and alternative energies, includes significant provisions is aimed primarily at reducing dependence on foreign oil.

The bill includes a federal loan guarantee programme to encourage the design and deployment of innovative technologies such as clean coal and advanced nuclear plants aimed at diversifying and increasing energy supply while protecting the environment. A programme of tax incentives is also included in the bill to increase the production of electricity to encourage the construction of clean coal facilities.

These measures include a new 20% investment tax credit for clean coal facilities and coal gasification units. The bill also includes a federal renewable portfolio standards provision that requires electric suppliers to acquire 10% of their supplies from renewable resources by 2020.

With an 85 to 12 vote in favour of the bill it is hoped that the four-year congressional deadlock over energy policy will now be drawn to a close. However, the Senate measure is set to clash with a bill already passed by the lower house when the two are combined for the executive branch to pass into law. Furthermore, the White House is also likely to object to parts of the Senate bill, notably the renewables portfolio standard measures and the $14 billion in tax incentives for energy production and conservation.

In another move at odds with the White House, the Senate has gone on record calling for mandatory limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, although the resolution is not binding. President Bush has called on Congress to send him a final bill by August.