In the given situation, the European Commission is called upon to look into an alleged discrimination against renewable energy projects in Scotland; the Scottish National Party (SNP) has called upon the commission to ensure that charges levied on renewable energy production are not unfair.

Ofgem, the UK energy regulator is responsible for the pricing. Ofgem said that there is no evidence that the charging model hindered the renewable sector in any way.

The transmission charging regime has been taken to court by ScottishPower in 2005. The court had dismissed the company’s representation then and allowed Ofgem to approve the formula.

Alyn Smith, an SNP MEP, said: “It is just bizarre that Scotland, which should be Europe’s green powerhouse, is being held back by the pricing regime operated from London by an organisation that clearly does not have the promotion of renewables as an objective.”

The recent amendments to the Renewables Directive make it clear that any form of discrimination against the renewables sector is illegal. Mr. Smith believes that the recent amendment now allows the European Commission to act upon it.