Scotland has the potential, ambition and natural resource to lead the way in capturing and safely storing carbon emissions.

Europe recognises that through our natural resources we are leading the green, clean energy revolution. Our potential and readiness to capitalise on the capture and safe storage of carbon is the next step.”

Just last week, the Westminster Energy Minister announced that Scottish projects will be able to bid for up to 342.5 million pounds of European money for renewable energy and carbon capture projects following the publication of the EU’s Economic Recovery Plan.”

Renewable energy and carbon capture are paramount and are the key components of our fight to tackle climate change and rid Scotland’s air of carbon emissions.”

The importance of the scale of our potential and ambition in these areas goes beyond the future of our environment. The economic benefits are vast and we must play to our strengths to reap these benefits in full, especially in a recession.”

The UK Government’s announcement, last week, to establish four carbon capture demonstration projects in the UK is welcome. Scotland is ready now to lead on one or hopefully even two of these projects with Longannet in the front running position in terms of speed of delivery. Scotland will continue to work with the EU and UK Government to the benefit of our economy.