Both utilities engaged deployment vendor Grid One Solutions who is using Clevest’s Smart Grid Mobile technology to improve control over the AMI program.

"AMI deployments are extremely challenging and our solution helps utilities and the deployment vendors they engage optimize the quality and efficiency of their service delivery. It also improves the safety of both field workers and consumers, and empowers utilities with real-time, useful information to drive better consumer engagement," emphasized Michael Silmont, VP Sales, Clevest.

Grid One Solutions is using the Clevest solution at SaskPower and SaskEnergy to manage the mass meter deployment process and to support regulatory reporting. With the solution, Grid One verifies that smart meters and retrofits are installed correctly, that meters are capturing, validating and sharing data as defined, and that, fundamentally, services are being delivered. Grid One is installing approximately 500,000 Sensus smart meters for SaskPower and retrofitting 450,000 conventional gas meters for SaskEnergy.

David McGinley, Vice President, Grid One Solutions, indicated, "By eliminating errors and increasing productive time in the field, the Clevest solution is helping Grid One to simplify and quicken the pace of the deployment process for both utilities. It’s eliminating the need for two handheld devices to manage meter work and perform diagnostics and it’s also easy to learn, both of which are helping to drive our daily order completion rates up."

Clevest Smart Meter Exchange is a proven Smart Grid Mobile solution that helps utilities better manage large and complex AMI programs. With the Clevest solution, utilities increase the volume of daily meter exchanges, improve data accuracy, optimize deployment routes for meter technicians and minimize customer disputes, which allows for faster deployments with fewer resources. The Clevest solution is built on a foundation of industry best practices from over 50 mass meter deployments in North America.