The North El Amriya Concession, which is mainly in shallow water in the west Nile delta, has an onshore area containing a previously undeveloped gas discovery. The concession covers an area of 2,066km squared and lies between the onshore Disouq Concession (of which RWE Dea holds 100%) where exploration efforts are ongoing, and the offshore concession North Idku (where RWE Dea owns 70%).

The newly-signed North El Amriya concession further increases RWE Dea’s strong acreage position in the offshore part of the west Nile delta where several discoveries have already been made.

Seismic acquisition and drilling will commence shortly in North El Amriya and is ongoing in the Disouq concession. The west Nile delta is the main focus of RWE Dea’s activities in Egypt.