Nordsee Ost

The company invested over €1bn in building the wind farm, with the European Union contributing a €50m.

The 48-turbine wind farm covers about 24km2 with water depths of up to 25m. It generates enough energy for about 320,000 households per year.

RWE will operate and service the project for the next 20 years. All the turbines and the substation have been connected by inter-array cables.

German Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel said: "Offshore wind energy is a strategically important element of Germany’s energy and climate policy and is key to the success of the energy transition.

"Thanks to its continuous input into the grid and its high electricity yields, offshore power generation makes a crucial contribution towards a diversified and reliable energy supply system."

RWE CEO Peter Terium said: "The expansion of renewable energy is one of our main growth areas and offshore wind energy will play a vital role.

"RWE will become the third largest player in the European offshore market this year. And we are growing further: In only one month’s time, we will be commissioning another wind farm, Gwynt y Môr, located off the coast of Wales."

RWE Innogy and its partner Northland Power are presently developing Nordsee One, 2 and 3 wind farms in the German North Sea.

The facilities with a total installed capacity of about 1GW are claimed to be the largest offshore project proposed off the German coast.

Image: The Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm generates enough energy for about 320,000 households per year. Photo: courtesy of RWE AG.