Together with the wind farms Innogy Nordsee 2 and Innogy Nordsee 3, some 160 wind turbines with a capacity of about 1,000MW are to be deployed on an area of some 100km² in the next few years.

Following its acquisition, RWE divided up the wind farm into three parts of roughly equal size, each going through a separate consenting process.

The permit now granted by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency covers the first part of this area with 54 wind turbines.

The permits for the two other parts, Innogy Nordsee 2 with 48 turbines and Innogy Nordsee 3 with 60 turbines, are also expected shortly.

Subject to the grid connection issue and the final investment decisions, the plans provide the start of construction for the first development stage in late 2014.