Coring commenced immediately beneath the 50 meters of cover rocks, with a highly altered, high grade metamorphic sediment containing sulphides, garnet and abundant chlorite. The core is currently being cut and forwarded for assay. The contact with the granite, which would provide a promising target, lies further to the East and will need to be tested with a second hole stepped back some 200 meters to the East. The rock encountered has similarity to some of the wall rocks at the Ranger Mine. Woolner DDH 1 was completed at 160 meters depth.

Owing to the onset of the Top End Wet Season it was too risky to commence the second hole at this time, however this will be completed in 2010.

The drilling contractor, H2O Drilling Pty Ltd, had scheduled the commissioning of a new high capacity diamond drilling rig to commence a deep 500 meter diamond drill hole at the Windgap Uranium Prospect at Tennant Creek after the completion of the Woolner drilling. The commencement of this program has been delayed by teething problems in commissioning the new rig, however the rig has been mobilised to Tennant Creek over the week-end ready to commence drilling immediately.