Featuring Russian VVER-1000 design, the unit 3 reactor is being developed under the stage 2 Tianwan nuclear construction project, which was undertaken by Rosatom engineering division ASE Group.

The first phase of the nuclear project includes units 1 and 2, which entered service in 2007. The two units generate over 15 bln kW/hour of electric power.

After receiving an approval from the Chinese regulator, the reactor unit of unit 3 was turned on at 25% of its capacity.

ASE Group president Valery Limarenko said: “The third power unit’s start-up is being carried out five years after the start of construction.”

Rosatom corporate development and international business first deputy director general Kirill Komarov said: “Construction of the third and fourth power units of the Tianwan NPP are being implemented in record-breaking time and can be considered examples of excellent international cooperation in the energy field.”

The firm said that it will test the unit 3 reactor at a power level of 200MW following which, dynamic tests will be carried out at 50%, 75% and 100% of full capacity.

Additionally, demonstration testing will be conducted for 100 hours upon successful completion of initial testing at 100% thermal capacity, ensuring preliminary acceptance procedures.

Rosatom said: “Preliminary acceptance is the starting point of a two-year warranty period for the operation of the third power unit of China’s Tianwan NPP.”

Commercial operation of power unit 3 of Tianwan NPP is expected to commence in 2018.