The facility is located in the Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine region in the MRC d’Avignon, approximately 500 km north-east of Québec City.

The 74.8 MW project features 34 General Electric GE 2.2-107 wind turbines and represents a partnership between Invenergy, the Re´gie intermunicipale de l’e´nergie Gaspe´sie– I^les-de-la-Madeleine and E´nergie E´olienne Bas-Saint-Laurent S.E.N.C. Energy output from Roncevaux will be purchased by Hydro-Que´bec Distribution through a 25-year power purchase agreement.

“We’re excited to celebrate this milestone for Roncevaux together with our local community partners” said Bryan Schueler, Invenergy’s Executive Vice President of Project Development. “This was a unique project for us with an aggressive timeline, but thanks to the strong partnerships with Re´gie intermunicipale de l’e´nergie Gaspe´sie– I^les-de-la-Madeleine and E´nergie E´olienne Bas-Saint-Laurent, we were able to accomplish our goals for making Roncevaux operational shortly after we completed financing.”

“Invenergy was our first private partner for the Gaspésie community wind farm and is our partner in the Alliance éolienne de l’Est, and I hope that we can continue our successful partnership in the future to export to the North American markets,” said Richard St-Laurent, Chairman for the Régie.

“The inauguration of the Roncevaux project today is a result of our successful partnership with Gaspésiens and Invenergy and represents a breath of fresh air for the RCMs, the Maliseet First Nation of Viger and our 200,000 citizen-shareholders who will have access to significant profits for the next 25 years,” said Michel Lagacé, Chairman of Énergie Éolienne Bas-St-Lauren.

Roncevaux wind will be staffed with six full-time positions. The project is adjacently located to Invenergy’s existing Le Plateau, Le Plateau 2 and Des Moulins Phase 2 wind farms, which have a total installed capacity of 181 MW.