Partnering with Airbus, the Canadian Airliner will use an Airbus A319 fueled with jet fuel derived from recycled cooking oil and other fuel saving measures such as light weight cabin equipment, reduced thrust during takeoff and adjusting air conditioning settings to make it one of the most-environmental flights by the carrier.

Air Canada Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Duncan Dee said the carrier has made efforts to increase its fuel efficiency by 30% compared to 1990 and is determined to increase these gains through cutting-edge measures such as those being showcased with this Toronto-Mexico City flight.

Flight AC991’s journey is part of an environmental demonstration conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to coincide with the Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.

"The flight, supported by Airbus, will link with other biofuel flights from Canada to Rio de Janeiro arranged under the auspices of ICAO to underscore the aviation industry’s commitment to the environment at the UN sustainability conference," Dee added.

Fuel used onboard the flight is a 50-50 mixture of conventional jet fuel and bio fuel derived out of recycled cooking oil produced by SkyNRG.