The first well in the Williams County, North Dakota project area (New Home II), the Carlson 1-11, has been completed as a Middle Bakken producer.

This well is operated by GeoResources (GEOI) and was drilled on a 640 acre spacing unit and was completed with an 18 stage frac utilizing sand and resin-coated sand as the proppant.

The well in New Home II was drilled in a 640 acre unit in order to minimize mechanical risk and ensure an adequate test of the Middle Bakken on the acreage block.

The well is producing and has tested at a peak 24-hour production rate of approximately 685bopd, through a 4.5" frac string, on a 29/64ths choke and with a 39% oil cut.

Resolute also is participating with a 34% working interest in the GEOI operated Siirtola 1-28-33H well located in Sections 28 and 33 of Township 157 North, Range 102 West.

This well is on a 1,280 acre drilling unit and currently has been drilled and cased.

GEOI, as operator, is currently drilling the horizontal section of the Anderson 1-24-13H, also on a 1,280 spacing unit, located in Sections 24 and 13 of Township 157 North, Range 102 West.