There is a learning curve, which normally takes 12 to 18 months. This time it took longer, REpower chief executive officer Per Hornung Pedersensaid. He hope delivery to be done in 2009.

There is no blade concern at all, Suzlon Energy chief operating officer Sumant Sinha said.

Suzlon Energy said REpower had contracted it to construct blades designed by the REpower, and the design specifications needed adjustments at its facility in Tianjin, China, and training of workers.

Suzlon Energy said it would only start production once it could assure the quality of the blades, and said that was postponing delivery.

If financial liabilities exist related to the delivery issues that REpower may intend to seek Suzlon’s assistance with, that matter will be a subject for discussion between both parties, Suzlon Energy said.

However, any such liabilities if they occur would be non-material and insignificant.