The so-called KGIII5-P1 well is the second gas discovery in the Miocene clastics reservoir in the Krishna basin. The shallow water block, with an area of 1,100 sq km, was awarded to Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) in a bidding round. RIL holds a 100% participating interest in this block.

The well was targeted with the objective of consolidating the Miocene play fairways in the block as well as in Krishna basin. The well was drilled at water depth of 151 meters and was drilled to the target depth of 3,500 meters. The well encountered clastic reservoir with gross hydrocarbon column of around 32 meters in the Miocene section and four meters in the Pliocene section.

The two pay zones were established through wire-line based technology called reservoir characterization imager (RCI). The so-called ‘Dhirubhai – 37’ discovery has been notified to government of India and directorate general of hydrocarbons, RIL said.