Named D-56, the condensate is the second gas discovery in the block.

RIL will operate the block by holding an equity stake of 70%, while BP will hold the remaining 30% stake.

The well, which had the initial reservoir pressure of 8000psi, was drilled to a total depth of 5,731m in a water depth of 1,743m, primarily to explore Mesozoic-aged reservoirs.

During the drill stem test, the well flowed gas at the rate of 35.2m standard cubic feet per day with condensate at the rate of 413bpd through 52/64in choke.

In early August RIL conducted initial tests, during which the well samples indicated presence of gas condensate in the reservoir interval with a gross column of 143m.

BP said that well flow rates during such tests are restricted by the rig and well test equipment configuration.