Sales and survey results from the firms’ 30-day retail pilot program demonstrated that consumers preferred the environmental benefits of renewable fuels compared to conventional fuels.

The pilot program offered SoladieselBD in a B20 blend through Propel’s Clean Fuel Points in Redwood City, San Jose, Berkeley, and Oakland, signifying the first commercial availability of algal derived fuels.

According to the survey, Propel stations offering the algae-derived fuel witnessed a 35% increase in sales volume compared to non-participating sites.

Solazyme fuels VP Bob Ames commented that the company’s fuels have already been successfully demonstrated in fleet vehicles, corporate buses, military applications and the first US commercial flight on biofuel.

"The successful pilot program with Propel further exhibits strong consumer appetite for the superior performance and environmental properties of Soladiesel," added Ames.

Propel Fuels CEO Matt Horton stated, "The results show strong preference for algae-based fuel, and we are thrilled to have partnered with Solazyme to enable our customers to be the first in the country to purchase this next generation biofuel."