Dredging and hydraulic engineering work began on 5 September adjacent to the site in Pyhäjoki, Finland, where the Hanhikivi-1 NPP is to be built. Hanhikivi-1, a 1,200MWe VVER pressurised water reactor being supplied by Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, is scheduled to enter commercial operation in 2024. Finnish plant owner/operator Fennovoima said the work, commissioned by Russian contractor Titan-2, is being carried out by Finland’s Terramare Oy. The work is part of the plant supplier’s total contract and includes the dredging and hydraulic engineering work for the harbour, the sea route, and the back-up intake channel for cooling water.

In late August, Lehto Group`s subsidiary, Rakennuskartio Ltd, signed a €25.3m ($28.4m) contract with Joint Stock Company Titan-2’s branch office in Finland to construct accommodation premises for about 1,000 employees at the NPP construction site. The project will be delivered as a turnkey project, with Lehto responsible for the planning and construction in stages according to a defined time and payment schedule agreed with the customer.

Lehto will use its own developed modular building concept in the project. Apartment modules will be prefabricated at Lehto`s factory and assembled at the construction site. The first premises are estimated to be inhabited in April 2017 and the project is expected to be completed in January 2019.