The company has also discovered 327ft of net gas-bearing reservoir and recovered oil and gas samples to surface.

The well will be side-tracked to drill the Singa Laut prospect in the adjacent fault block upon completion of evaluation operations.

In order to assess the extent of discovered resources, the results of side-track, which is expected in late May, will be incorporated with the results from Kuda Laut.

Meanwhile, drilling is underway at the Ratu Gajah-1 exploration well in the Natuna Sea Block A PSC (Premier Oil operator, 28.67%) and the results are expected in May.

A total net gas pay of 65ft has been encountered at the K-36 well on the Kadanwari block (Premier Oil 15.79% interest) onshore Pakistan and was flowed at 50 mmscfd through a 64/64 inch choke on test.

Premier exploration director Andrew Lodge said, "Discovering oil at Kuda Laut is of particular significance and we now look forward to the results of Singa Laut. This is the first of a number of high impact wells Premier plans to drill over the next 12 months."