The pipeline expansion will allow the company to add additional natural gas supply to markets in New England and Atlantic Canada.
C2C will supply natural gas from North American natural gas basins through TransCanada Pipeline, the expansion of which is necessary to move C2C Project forward.
The expansion will allow the PNGTS to increase the current capacity from 168,000 dekatherms per day (Dth/d) to a total range of 300,000-350,000 Dth/d.
The C2C is expected to begin service in November 2016.
Atlantic Canada markets will interconnect gas from PNGTS to Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline at Westbrook, Maine.
Shippers can also move natural gas to south of New England by PNGTS to interconnect with other New England natural gas pipelines at Dracut, Haverhill and Methuen, Mass.
PNGTS president Keith Nelson said that C2C will help shippers to provide cost-effective and speedy access to prolific natural gas basins along North America.