In this regard, the port is creating a site dubbed Offshore Center Maasvlakte 2 (OCMV2) of up to 70 hectares by using hydraulic filling technique in the Prinses Alexiahaven where it will be built.

The Port Authority is anticipating the first companies to initiate projects in the site within two years in what is being talked about as the very first offshore centre in Europe.

Port Authority CEO Allard Castelein said: “The creation of wind farms at sea is a huge growth market. This requires a specialised port area for the installation and maintenance of the farms, which we would like to provide.

“This is consistent with our efforts to be the offshore hub of Europe and play a leading role in the energy transition.”

OCMV2 is expected to become a hub where businesses will collaborate with each other in the offshore wind sector among other activities.

According to The Port Authority, it is vital for the present cluster to continue developing, so that the expertise that is there will remain at the same high level while new economic activities are attracted to both the city and the port.

It further stated that the establishment of the centre, right next to the sea on deep water, enables various activities to be clustered and businesses to leverage from each other’s existence.

The Port Authority stated that it will reclaim the first 30 hectares for the project as soon as possible. After which, it will initially install 600 metres of deep sea quay using the necessary infrastructure.

The first business at OCMV2 is planned to be operational during 2019. OCMV2 could be extended potentially further by another 40 hectares and 1,000mts of quay wall.