The construction of tanks #7 and #8, each having the capacity of 50,000 m3 (VSTFR-50 000) is part of the fourth stage in the project of increasing the throughput capacity of oil pipeline Skovorodino – Mokhe to 30 million tonnes of crude a year.

PMC ESPO set to building the tanks in April 2016. Builders have already driven 2,944 piles in the foundations of both tanks, laid 5,600 m3 of concrete and 6,000 m3 of sand as well as an electrochemical protection and hydrophobic layer cable.

Furthermore, the assembly and welding of metalwork in the bottom, wall and floating roof of Tank #8 were consecutively performed. Planned further is the assembly of maintenance floors, floating roof seal and base constructions for laying firefighting pipelines and cabling.

At Tank #7 builders will have to finish the assembly and welding of the roof and wall.

As part of the final stage, hydraulic tests of the tanks will be conducted and corrosion protection will be applied. After the commissioning of new VSTFR, the volume of the tank farm at PEPS-1 “Tayshet” will reach 400,000 m3 of crude.

Increasing the throughput capacity of oil pipeline Skovorodino – Mokhe is a project comprising four stages. The first stage was completed in 2014, when an additional main pump unit was installed at OPS #21 “Skovorodino”. At the second stage an additional line of the oil quality and quantity metering system was installed at the pipeline metering station (PMS) “Dzhalinda”, the existing microprocessor-based automation system and unified control system was further improved, the latter also including a supervisory control and data acquisition system. At the third stage a crude storage tank with the capacity of 50,000 m3 was commissioned at OPS #21 “Skovorodino”. As part of the fourth stage, two tanks will be assembled at PEPS “Tayshet”. All works aimed at increasing the throughput capacity of oil trunk pipeline Skovorodino – Mokhe to 30 million tonnes of crude a year are scheduled for completion in autumn 2017.