The Cellunator milling equipment has enhanced the ethanol production by 3% and has resulted in increased profits.
Edeniq president and CEO Brian Thome said, "We’ve been working side by side with the Plymouth team to drive efficiencies and increase yield within the particular specifications and requirements of their Iowa facility."
Plymouth Energy CEO Eamonn Byrne said Edeniq’s technologies have added considerably to the company’s bottom line.
"Ethanol producers’ ability to provide a product consumers will buy depends on being competitively priced," Byrne added.
"Edeniq helps us add significant value margins to what we are already doing."
The Cellunators help the company mill corn and other plant materials into smaller, more uniform sizes which can be easily converted to sugars which are needed to produce biofuels.
Plymouth is also partnering with Edeniq on the implementation of other proprietary technologies that will provide additional revenues or cost savings for the plant.
US based Edeniq is a biomaterials and sustainable fuels innovator and Plymouth Energy is an ethanol producer.