PGE chief executive and Poland’s former energy market regulator Marek Woszczyk was quoted as saying during a news conference that, "we now have the period of searching for a partner to provide the technology and a partner to participate financially."

Constructed with an investment of PLN60bn ($19.5bn), the 3GW nuclear power plant’s first block is expected to to be finished by the end of 2024, while the whole project will be finalized by 2030.

The project’s coordinator, PGE has to select a site and find a technological partner by the end of 2016.

Meanwhile, the company has expressed its interest to control the special investment company established to manage the nuclear plant’s construction, Reuters reports.

Woszczyk said, "PGE wants to have a controlling stake in the company, at least 70 percent. We do not rule our the scenario of adding partners – financial or strategic."

Potential partners include Polish state-controlled utility Tauron, Enea, and KGHM, even though the deal is yet to be signed.