The steps have helped the company to improve hole stability of the well and allowed to reach a depth of 5,275m in the upper carbonate zone.

Petromanas experienced additional hole instability in the well, later when the bit became stuck.

During drilling and before loss of circulation, the company has traced out the presence of oil and gas in the drilling cuttings from the upper carbonate.

The company has so far sidetracked the well at a depth of about 4,810,.

Once the well re-enters the upper carbonate section, the company is planning to set casing from the previous casing depth of about 4,750m, in order to keep the lower zone of unstable flysch shale behind pipe.

The company plans to log, complete and flow test the Shpirag-2 well, when it reaches the total depth.

Petromanas CEO Glenn McNamara said that the well has indicated the presence of hydrocarbons, but still face challenges due to the complex and active geology of the region, which continues to create instability in the open portion of the hole.