Petrobras has signed five major agreements worth BRL2.89 billion, for the construction of the Abreu e Lima refinery in Pernambuco, Brazil.

According to the company, the construction agreement encompasses all buildings, such as the administrative building, the integrated control center, equipment maintenance and inspection workshops, warehouses, the product quality lab, security area buildings, in addition to the safety, environment and health, telecommunications, and industrial safety buildings. The agreement, worth BRL591.32 million and with a 638-day term, was signed with EIT and Engevix.

It said that, two other agreements are for the construction of storage tanks. Lot I, worth BRL527.5 million and with a 1,115-day term, foresees the construction of 11 tanks with total capacity for a million cubic meters to store oil, intermediary products, and final products.

Intermediary products are those that leave a unit and will still be treated in other ones until becoming finished products such as diesel fuel, naphtha, fuel oil, which will supply the refinery’s customers. Techint, Usiminas, and Confab are parties to the agreement.

Lot II, for 63 tanks with total capacity for a million cubic meters, was signed with Alusa, Galvao and Tome. Worth BRL730.75 million, the agreement’s term is for 1,145 days, said the oil major.

Refinery substation electrical equipment and technical assistance devices for all deployment stages are part of the global electrical agreement signed with Orteng. The agreement, worth BRL269.54 million and with a term of 1,260 days, in addition to the gains in scale it will allow for, will also provide for the standardization of the plant’s electrical equipment and allow the vendor to incorporate its know-how to the project.