The 2015 program included a bulk sample of CH-7, and summer core drilling and microdiamond sampling. It achieved four key elements, including sampling of existing CH-6 core, CH-6 core drilling, sampling of existing CH-7 core and CH-7 core drilling
Under the program, a total of 1,361m core drilling was completed, including 520m at CH-6 and 841m at CH-7.
The firm has also sampled a total of 3,345kg of kimberlite from CH-6 and CH-7 and sent them to the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) for microdiamond analysis.
According to the firm, Dense Media Separation (DMS) processing of the 558.5 wet tonne sample at the SRS will begin on 14 September.
The 2015 bulk sample program comprised of six large-diameter drill holes drilled to a maximum depth of 240m at CH-7. The bulk sample results will offer diamond grades for kimberlite units KIM-2, KIM-3, KIM-4 and KIM-5 and representative diamond parcels for independent valuation.
Successful integration of the 2015 bulk sample results with microdiamond and ancillary geological data will allow the firm to maximize the inferred resource estimates for both CH-6 and CH-7.
The firm has discovered 71 kimberites at the Chidliak project to date with eight being potentially economic and an inferred mineral resource of 8.57 million carats in 3.32 million tonnes of kimberlite at a grade of 2.58 carats per tonne has been defined for a portion of the CH-6 kimberlite.