Southern Nights, located ~1km south of the high-grade (Zn-Pb-Ag-Au-Cu) Wagga Tank deposit, was recently identified as hosting significant Wagga Tank-style mineralisation (see ASX announcements dated 7 September and 19 October 2017). As reported on 19 October 2017, drillholes WTRC035 and WTRC033 intersected very high-grade zinc-lead-silver rich sulphides including massive sulphides. Analysis of drill cuttings with a portable XRF device gave a preliminary indication as to the remarkable tenor of the mineralisation.

Importantly, follow-up drilling undertaken since 19 October has intercepted further significant zincrich mineralisation, with the mineralisation remaining open in all directions. Drilling is continuing at the time of reporting.

The discovery of this near-surface, zinc-rich mineralisation at Southern Nights supports the Company’s view that the Wagga Tank/Southern Nights area is potentially host to a major, high-grade, base/precious metals mineral system. The mineralisation in WTRC035 ranks as the best intercept ever reported by the Company.

Southern Nights Discovery & Follow-up Drilling

As previously reported, drillhole WTRCDD021 (456.6m), designed to test coincident chargeable IP and magnetic geophysical anomalies ~1km south of the Wagga Tank deposit, intersected a broad zone of Wagga Tank-style mineralisation including significant Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu-Au mineralisation. This area is now termed the Southern Nights prospect. Follow-up drilling at Southern Nights recommenced several weeks ago, and as at the time of reporting, eleven RC drillholes (WTRC031, WTRC033-WTRC042 for 2,565m) had been completed.

Encouragingly, the stratigraphic unit host to Wagga Tank mineralisation – the Vivigani Formation – appears to have been intercepted in all drillholes, with significant mineralisation intercepted in seven drillholes. Drilling has now defined the Vivigani Formation over the entire 280m of strike length tested so far. Geological logging and interpretation is preliminary, and along with geochemical sampling, is ongoing at the time of reporting. References to mineralisation have been made based on initial visual logging, portable XRF analysis and laboratory assay results.

Due to the early stage of investigation, the geometry of Southern Nights’ mineralisation, and subsequent true widths of the downhole mineralised intercepts, remains uncertain, however a nearvertical or a steep westerly dip to mineralisation is considered likely. This would imply a true width of between approximately 35-65% of the downhole intervals reported for all west-oriented (270 degree collar azimuth) drillholes, and between ~70-90% for east-oriented (85 degree collar azimuth) drillholes. Drilling is continuing to assist in determining the geometry of mineralisation.

A summary of all follow-up drilling completed to date is included below:

WTRC031 (185m) was collared 160m south and 80m west of WTRCDD021 and was designed to further test the Southern Nights chargeable IP anomaly, and to test along strike and updip of WTRCDD021. Assays confirmed WTRC031 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~70m to endof-hole (185m). The hole was terminated prematurely in moderate-strong mineralisation due to high water inflows. A diamond tail is planned.

WTRC033 (200m) was collared 80m west of WTRCDD021 and was designed to test immediately updip of WTRCDD021. WTRC033 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~80m to endof-hole (200m). Assays confirmed the drillhole intercepted a broad zone of mineralisation comprising 92m @ 2.81% Zn, 0.98% Pb, 19 g/t Ag, 0.2 g/t Au from 108m including 9m @ 8.84% Zn, 2.07% Pb, 14 g/t Ag, 0.58 g/t Au from 188m. The hole was terminated prematurely in mineralisation due to high water inflows. A diamond tail is planned.

WTRC034 (199m) was collared 40m west of WTRC033 and was designed to test immediately updip of WTRC033. WTRC034 intersected a broad zone of weakly anomalous Zn-Pb-As from surface to end-ofhole. Initial interpretations are that this drillhole was positioned too far west to intersect mineralisation.

WTRC035 (216m) was collared 40m south of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033. WTRC035 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~40m to end-ofhole (216m). The drillhole intercepted several zones of significant mineralisation with assays confirming a strongly mineralised zone of 26m @ 25.45% Zn, 9.92% Pb, 215 g/t Ag, 1.43 g/t Au from 190m. Assays for the remainder of the drillhole remain pending. The hole was terminated prematurely in mineralisation due to high water inflows. A diamond tail is planned.

WTRC036 (265m) was collared 120m west of WTRC033 and was designed to scissor towards WTRC033. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC036 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~80m to ~190m downhole, however no obvious significant mineralisation was intersected. The drillhole appears to have been positioned too far east to successfully scissor WTRC033.

WTRC037 (259m) was collared 40m north of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC037 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-AsAg-Cu from ~40m to ~190m downhole, including a zone of strong Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation between ~149m to ~156m downhole. Assays remain pending.

WTRC038 (289m) was collared 80m south of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033 and WTRC035. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC038 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~40m to ~195m including a zone of moderate Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation between ~148m to ~154m downhole, and a zone of strong Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation between ~190m to ~192m downhole. Assays remain pending.

WTRC039 (259m) was collared 120m south of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033 and WTRC035. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC039 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~60m to 200m downhole including a zone of strong Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation between ~162m to ~183m downhole. Assays remain pending.

WTRC040 (253m) was collared 120m north of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033 and WTRC035. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC040 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~60m to 130m downhole. Initial interpretations are that this drillhole was positioned too far west to intersect mineralisation.

WTRC041 (253m) was collared 80m north of WTRC033 and was designed to test along strike of WTRC033 and WTRC035. Portable XRF analysis indicates WTRC041 intersected a broad zone of anomalous Zn-Pb-As-Ag-Cu from ~75m to 130m downhole. Initial interpretations are that this drillhole was positioned too far west to intersect mineralisation.

WTRC042 (187m) was collared west of WTRC033 and was designed to scissor towards WTRC033. Portable XRF analysis indicates a WTRC042 intersected a zone of moderate-strong Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation between ~176m to ~187m downhole. Assays remain pending. A diamond tail is planned.

Drilling at Southern Nights is ongoing at the time of reporting with six additional RC drillholes planned in the near term. These drillholes will be designed to primarily test for strike extentions.