Legislation requires 3.5% of the energy used by Peco customers generated from renewable resources by 2011

Peco has announced that it is seeking the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approval to purchase 6MW of solar renewable energy credits as part of the company’s ongoing fulfillment of the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards.

Once complete, the company’s proposal could result in the same environmental benefit as planting more than 48,000 acres of trees or not driving more than 133 million miles.

The Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) legislation requires that 3.5% of the energy used by Peco customers is generated from renewable resources such as wind and solar by 2011. These requirements are measured by renewable energy credits.

To fulfill the requirements, the company seeks Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) approval to conduct a request for proposals (RFP) to purchase 80,000 solar energy credits during 10 years.

Both solar farms and companies with large rooftop solar panel systems would be eligible to participate. This proposed process is similar to others conducted by Peco to secure wind renewable energy credits.

PECO launched its first competitive alternative energy RFP in March 2008 and as a result signed agreements to purchase 240,000 wind energy credits during five years. In response to a second RFP, PECO expects to conclude agreements later this month to purchase up to an additional 2 million renewable energy credits during five years.