The system will integrate Ember’s EM250 system-on-chip and EM260 network co-processor – with the EmberZNet PRO ZigBee software stack into PassivEnergy home energy management product, enabling users to control household’s heating and hot water and cut their energy use by up to 25%.

PassivEnergy provides wireless management of homeowners’ energy usage based on their living environment preferences, and regulates automatically, turning up and down the heat and hot water based on occupancy in addition to integrating with other alternative energy sources.

An Ember-enabled PassivHub will provide the central intelligence for the system and coordinate wireless communication with all of the sensors, switches, actuators and displays in the home, and provide an internet broadband gateway for remote communications away from the home.

Ember vice president of sales Bert Berenbroek said that PassivSystems realizes it’s not enough for energy management products to simply provide information on home energy usage; they have to help the homeowner intelligently manage it.