The current PML, which comprises of an area of 15.75 square kilometers and falls in the Agartala Dome field in Tripura, was defined within the original Agartala Dome PEL area, which spanned 47.46 square kilometers.

A total of nine exploration and three development wells have been drilled in the region. Out of these 12 wells, seven wells comprising of AD-1, AD-2, AD-6, AD-12, AD-18, AD-22 and AD-24, are flowing, while three wells comprising of the AD-21, AD-25 and AD-26, are non-flowing and two wells comprising of the AD-3 and AD-13, have been discarded. One development well, dubbed AD-27 is currently under drilling.

Gas is being pumped from five to six wells and the present average daily rate of production of gas from the area is 0.55 MMSCMD, though the real surface gas handling capacity in the field is 2.2 MMSCMD, subsequent to the upgrade of the Agartala Dome group gathering station’s (GGS) capacity from 0.4 MMSCMD. Cumulative gas production from the area as on November 1, 2008, was 1052.693 MMm3.

The gas profile from this field up to 2031-32 has been considered to meet the gas needs of ONGC Tripura Power Company`s (OTPC) power plant as well as other present consumers like Tripura State Electricity Corporation Ltd. (TSECL), Tripura Natural Gas Company (TNGC) and North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO).