The deaerator manufactured by TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik (is a part of Power Machines), which shall be installed at the NPP Unit 1, is shipped to the Consumer. The low pressure heaters are shipped to the NPP in parallel with the deaerator.

The Unit 1 condenser group is mounted at the NPP site under the guidance of Power Machines experts and the foundation is prepared for installation of the turbine, high and low pressure heaters and deaerator.

The first turbogenerator will be shipped in the second half of 2016 in accordance with the contractual terms.

OJSC Power Machines have manufactured the turbogenerator for the Unit 2, and the works are in progress related to manufacturing the second turbine, installation of the turbine flowing parts is performed and then the works to install the rotors and align the line of shafting will begin. The manufacturing works related to the second condenser are coming to an end. The deaerator is being manufactured.

The commissioning of the Unit 1 at the first Belarusian NPP is scheduled for 2018; the Unit 2 is scheduled for 2020.

The Belarusian NPP consisting of two Units of 1200 MW each will be built in the Grodno region of the Republic of Belarus. It will be equipped with equipment similar to the one that is being used at the NPP-2006 Russian project implementation at other sites. So, currently Novovoronezh NPP-2 and Leningrad NPP-2 with WWER-1200 are under construction according to the NPP-2006 project, and their main power equipment of machine hall is being manufactured by Power Machines.

The contract to manufacture the main equipment for the machine hall of the first Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant was concluded in 2012. In accordance with its terms Power Machines will manufacture and supply two complete turbine plants for the Belarusian NPP under construction, including high-speed steam turbines of 1.200 MW capacity each, condensers and equipment for auxiliary systems, as well as two complete turbogenerators with 1.200 MW capacity comprising equipment for auxiliary systems. Besides, Power Machines experts will perform the contract supervision of the supplied equipment.

The Belarusian NPP project is the Generation 3+ project and in exact accordance with the international rules and IAEA recommendations having the enhanced safety characteristics and performance indicators.

The General contractor of the Belarusian NPP is ASE Group of companies, General designer is JSC ATOMPROEKT (is a part of ASE Group of companies).