The well is located in the BM-C-39 block, in which the company holds a 100% working interest.

The company said that it has identified a total column of about 198m and total net pay of around 145m in carbonate reservoirs in the Albian-Cenomanian section, as compared to the 125m of column and 116m of net pay announced earlier.

New studies, which included logging and cable tests, also permitted the identification of hydrocarbons in sandstone reservoirs in the Eocene section, specifically a gas accumulation with a column of about 16m and net pay of around 8m.

OGX also said that the name of the 1-OGX-25-RJS well has changed to 6-OGX-27P-RJS with the drilling of the Albian section, and the well’s drilling will continue until a total estimated depth of 3,100m.