In the Budget 2013 speech UK Chancellor of Treasury George Osborne outlined that investment in infrastructure and job creation from the low carbon projects was one of the key paths to bring the county out of the prolonged economic downturn.

"Budget 2013 sets out further action the Government will take to help UK businesses create jobs and to help people buy their own home. The Budget announces reforms to improve the UK’s infrastructure with a commitment to increase capital spending by £3 billion a year from 2015-16," said Chancellor Osborne in his speech.

Responding to the government’s call RenewableUK pointed to the huge economic opportunities offered by renewable energy infrastructure projects such as offshore wind.

RenewableUK Director of Policy Dr Gordon Edge remarked that projects such as those proposed by Siemens, to build an offshore wind turbine factory in Hull, have the potential to create hundreds of jobs for the region as well as attract millions of pounds of investment.

"These low-carbon infrastructure projects will help us future-proof our economy and reduce what we have to pay to import expensive fossil fuels.

"Offshore wind is a proven technology which we have the opportunity to lead the world in and help us win the ‘global race’ that the Chancellor spoke about – it should be a real priority for govt to drive forward in our energy mix," noted Edge.