The new amplifier is plug_and_play and can be applied in same way as a standard class AB transistor, thus speeding time to market. The NXP BLD6G21-50 and BLD6G22-50 amplifiers fetch savings in form factor and design effort, while abolishing the need for extra tuning during manufacturing, offering significant cost efficiencies during development process of the cellular base station power amplifiers.

New BLD6G21-50 includes an integrated Doherty concept leveraging the company’s new GEN6 LDMOS technology particularly designed for TD-SCDMA operation at the frequencies ranging from 2010 MHz to 2025 MHz, whereas its twin device operates at the frequencies between 2110MHz to 2170MHz for the W-CDMA transmission. Both main and peak devices and delay lines and also the input splitter and output combiner are integrated into a standard transistor package with the single input and output leads, thus minimizing needed board space. The package has two additional pins, one of which is being utilized for external biasing purposes.

The company has developed the integrated Doherty technology in direct response to the demand from base station providers and the telecoms operators. “Integrated Doherty technology is considered a holy grail in amplifiers,” said Mark Murphy, director of marketing for RF power products, NXP. “Through this innovation we have achieved the smallest realized Doherty design and record efficiency, cutting total system power consumption significantly, thereby helping our customers reduce cost while boosting performance.”

Product Availability:

The company’s BLD6G21-50 and BLD6G22-50 integrated Doherty amplifiers are sampling now. Higher power devices in this portfolio will become available throughout 2009.

The company offers complete line-ups of RF power transistors operating from 800 MHz right up to 3.8 GHz for basestations, covering all the cellular technologies (GSM/EDGE, TDMA, (TD-S)CDMA, W-CDMA/UMTS) and WiMAX infrastructures.