The Callaway plant is a single pressurized water reactor and is licensed to operate through Oct. 18, 2024. Union Electric Co., a subsidiary of Ameren Missouri, applied on Dec. 15, 2011, to renew the license for an additional 20 years.

The draft environmental impact statement contains the NRC staff’s preliminary finding that the environmental impacts of license renewal would not preclude renewing the license.

This finding is based on the analysis and findings in the agency’s generic environmental impact statement on license renewal, the environmental report submitted by Ameren, consultation with federal, state and local agencies, the NRC staff’s own independent review, and the staff’s consideration of public comments.

The NRC staff will hold two public meetings March 19 at the Fulton City Hall, 18 East 4th St., in Fulton, to present the report’s findings and receive comments from the public. The first session will run from 2-3:30 p.m., and the second from 7-8:30 p.m.

Comments may also be submitted over the federal rulemakings website at , using Docket ID NRC-2012-0001, or mailed to Cindy Bladey, Chief, Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch (RADB), Office of Administration, Mail Stop: 3WFN-06-44M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Comments will be accepted through April 7.