Novus expects to begin construction of its first plant in Canada in 2010.

John Offerman, president of Novus Energy, said: ”We reviewed several of the leading control system suppliers and found Siemens’ quality and value were superior.

”Siemens also invested time and engineering resources to assist us with process development, process control, engineering and even marketing. Additionally, Siemens has been instrumental in developing the automation systems, including graphics, for our NBC process that converts organic waste into biogas, fertilizer and clean water.”

Mr Offerman, said that working closely with Siemens will reduce investment risk, accelerate project execution and help the company meet growing national and international demands for alternative fuels, organic fertilizer and clean water recovery.

Development continues at Novus Energy’s NBC facility in Canada. Other facilities scheduled to begin construction in late 2010 are in Oregon and Colombia.

Rich Chmielewski, marketing manager of chemical and biofuels, Siemens, said: ”Novus Energy’s work transforming waste organics into green energy, organic fertilizer and clean water is at the leading edge of alternative energy and fuels production technology.

”Our partnership will not only help to bring these renewable products to market faster, but also will continue to improve the production processes over time for greater efficiencies and increased return on investment, while decreasing our environmental footprint.”