The company is also pooling its operating business in three regional companies to step up its growth strategy overseas, especially in the Far East.

Nordex’s supervisory board has appointed Dr Eberhard Voss, previously managing director and head of engineering, to the management board position of chief technology officer.

Dr Voss, with a doctorate in engineering and a track record spanning more than 20 years in the development of wind turbines, is reportedly one of the most experienced engineers in the sector and has been with Nordex since 2003.

The company’s supervisory board has also sent out a signal of continuity by reaffirming all the management board contracts due for renewal. It has approved contract renewals for CEO Thomas Richterich, CFO Bernard Schaferbarthold, both until the mid 2012; and COO for sales and marketing, Carsten Pedersen, until the end of 2011.

Yves Schmitt, chairman of Nordex’s supervisory board, said: In this way, we are tying management to the company for the duration of the current business plan. This is a crucial step to sustain Nordex’s profitable growth in the medium term.