Buildings account for 45%of carbon emissions and 70% of energy consumption in this country. Using Tririga’s environmental sustainability software, which streamlines carbon accounting and environmental investment analysis, the city will be able to measure their carbon output on a building-by-building basis while supplementing its efforts to conserve energy, the company said.

The cost of the energy use in NYC municipal buildings totals more than $800m each year, and accounts for about 64% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by NYC government operations.

New York City will use performance data from the Tririga system to focus its strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30% by 2017 to reach the key goal of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s long-term sustainability plan, called PlaNYC.

New York City will use Trees to create a single central web-based location that will consolidate key data and reports that are related to the energy and environmental characteristics of city buildings and capital projects.

It will provide analysis required to implement carbon reduction strategies and be used in the project selection process for PlaNYC funded retrofit projects, distributed generation projects and renewable energy programs.

Under the agreement, Tririga and New York City will load existing building, current capital project, historical energy and water usage, and historical contracts data into the city’s Sustainable Energy Property Tracking System (SEPTS) to identify resource-intensive facilities and prioritize energy efficiency investment decisions.

George Ahn, CEO of Tririga, said: “While many companies and government entities are taking the initiative to measure their carbon and environmental footprint, not all are actually taking that essential next step, the way New York City is.

”Our partnership will allow New York City to effectively measure energy use and carbon output, while designing an environmental strategy that will make a big difference to the City’s bottom line.”