Mortenson will construct 76m of the double-circuit 345kV transmission line on steel monopoles.
Specifically, the company will be responsible for the installation of 474 pier concrete foundations ranging from 7′ to 12′ in diameter and 18′ to 50′ deep, setting 474 steel structures, and stringing the conductor along the route.
OG&E Utility Technical Support vice president Phil Crissup said, "This transmission line is essential to delivering Oklahoma’s wind potential and improving regional electric system capacity and reliability."
Mortenson Construction High Voltage Transmission Group vice president and general manager Kevin Deters said, "We’re proud to support OG&E’s ongoing efforts to improve the reliability of the region’s current electrical infrastructure."
All aspects of construction are currently underway, including placement of concrete foundations, setting of transmission line structures, stringing and clipping the bundled 1590 ACSR "Lapwing" conductor and optical ground wire, according to the company.
Construction of the transmission line, which starts at the Woodward EHV District Substation, near Oklahoma, and run to the Oklahoma/Kansas border, is expected to complete in September 2014.
Image: Yummifruitbat.