Roxann Baker D.D.S. P.C. will use the funds to install a digital x-ray machine and associated equipment, eliminating the need for radiographic film, lead-lined film containers, and the chemicals used to develop the film. The new equipment will also reduce water and energy usage compared to conventional x-ray equipment.

“Dr. Baker is demonstrating first hand that businesses of all sizes can play a role in protecting our environment,” said DEQ Director Steven E. Chester.”These upgrades will also reduce energy costs at Dr. Baker’s office, making this project both environmentally and economically smart.”

The DEQ and the company’s local lending institution, Citizens Bank, each contributed half of the loan proceeds.

“Even a dentist office has opportunities to make process changes that are better for the environment,” said Roxann Baker of Roxann Baker D.D.S.”Switching to digital x-ray will allow us to stop using the hazardous chemicals needed for film development,” she said.”This will help us to save money and more importantly it helps us provide a better service to our patients.”

Businesses with fewer than 500 employees can apply for loans of up to $400,000 with a guaranteed interest rate of not more than 5%.

Loans are available to all private business sectors including farming, manufacturing, retail, and service.