MHPS says that the release of its M501JAC, a new J-series air-cooled gas turbine offering, will revolutionise power generation in terms of both efficiency and reliability.
MHPS says that in a combined cycle 1×1 configuration the new 501 unit produces 540 MW of power at a new record efficiency exceeding 63%. It joins the MHPS J-series fleet, with its 335 000 hours of documented commercial operation at a 99.3% level of reliability.
The new JAC is said to exhibit low levels of NOx, CO2, unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. Deploying it to replace older coal-fired generators should cut CO2 emissions by nearly 70%.
Before its release the JAC underwent more than 11 000 hours of commercial operation at a record 99.5 percent reliability. It features an enhanced air-cooled combustor and advanced thermal barrier coating on the turbine blades. MHPS has sold 45 J-series turbines, and 21 are currently in commercial operation. In fact, MHPS says, it has more J- and G-series advanced-class gas turbines operating around the globe than any competitor.