Mesa Power said that it is representing an additional approach recommended by a coalition of Texas Panhandle landowners. The state’s population is reportedly demanding that Texas find far-reaching power and water supply solutions.

In August 2007, Mesa Power filed documents to add 4,000MW of wind-generated electricity to the Texas power grid. The filing, with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (Ercot), details plans for the world’s largest wind farm, with construction starting in 2009 and power deliveries to begin in 2011.

The project will have as many as 2,700 turbines on up to 200,000 acres in the Texas Panhandle. Ercot, which operates as part of the Texas Public Utility Commission, manages the state’s power grid.

Mesa Power plans to construct a power line and deliver the generated electricity to the grid at either the Oklaunion or Anna substation.