The recompletion of the three wells LLDSB #3, LLDSB #20 and LLDSB #34 gave mixed results to the Mesa in which it holds 100% interest.

The recompletion of LLDSB #3 in the UL-5 Sand zone at about 12,548ft, on a 12/64ths choke resulted in 1,972 mcf of gas and 101 barrels of condensate per day at a stabilized flowing tubing pressure of 2,900 psi.

The LLDSB #20 re-completion in the UL-1 Sand zone at around 10,055ft on a 14/64ths choke, yielded 1,047 mcf of gas per day at a stabilized flowing tubing pressure of 1,175 psi.

The LLDSB #34 well was recompleted in the A-79 sand at approximately 7,760ft and was the results were initially encouraging but the well stopped flowing abruptly.

Mesa Energy Holdings CEO Randy M Griffin said the early data from the recompletion of the LLDSB #3 in the UL-5 Sand has significantly exceeded our expectations and is very exciting and the UL-1 sand in the LLDSB #20 appears to be a solid gas producing zone.

"However, the LLDSB #34 did not perform as expected, which comes with the territory when doing recompletions," Griffin said.

"Recompletions in up-hole zones are a quick and cost-effective way for us to increase revenue and reserves."

"We expect these efforts to continue to have a strong positive impact on both.

Mesa is currently evaluating whether additional efforts on the LLDSB #34 well are warranted and is also examining a number of additional recompletion opportunities in both the Lake Hermitage and Valentine Fields.