The Kenyan government has approved a mega-solar power plant to be funded from China. The project is expected to start construction this coming July and take a year to be completed, according to a report in the Kenyan newspaper Daily Nation.
The 55 MW solar power plant in Garissa County in Northeastern Kenya has been approved by the Rural Electrification Authority and will cost 12.8 billion
Kenya Shillings ($126.2 million). The project will be funded by the Export-Import Bank of China and will be the largest grid connected solar power plant in the country.
The collection array will consist of approximately 210 000 solar panels installed in 85 hectares of flat desert in the northern part of the country, the electricity authority Chairman
Simon Gicharu was quoted as saying. "We already have the full funding signed for. All we need to do is hit the ground running," said Gicharu.