As previously announced, the binding open season for the Wolfcamp Connector and the Reagan County Extension commenced on 29 October, 2013.

Based on continued discussion with prospective shippers, Medallion has decided to further extend the binding open season for the Wolfcamp Connector and the Reagan County Extension, until 22 January, 2014. Medallion believes that, by the close of the open season, it will have received binding long-term capacity commitments in an aggregate volume sufficient to move forward with the construction of the Wolfcamp Connector on a schedule that will place that pipeline segment in-service in the 3rd quarter 2014, as initially projected.

With respect to the Reagan County Extension, Medallion is engaged in ongoing discussions with prospective shippers and other interested parties concerning binding long-term capacity commitments on that segment and/or on certain pipeline alternatives to that segment.

Accordingly, to permit these discussions to continue, Medallion has decided to further extend the opens season as it relates to both pipeline segments.