Matsa’s objective at the Siam Copper Project is to establish the presence of economic copper mineralisation within highly anomalous stream sediment catchments, particularly where past work has already confirmed the presence of visible copper mineralised boulders at Siam 1 and Siam 2.

  • This report covers recent exciting and very significant developments at the Siam Copper Project:
  • The discovery of significant high grade copper mineralised float on the western edge of Siam 1W;
  • Very high copper and silver assay results of 54.7% Cu and 148 g/t Ag were returned from rocks taken from near proximity to a copper vein;
  • Petrography confirms the mineralisation to be mostly very high copper bearing sulphide minerals chalcocite, digenite and covellite, together with hydrated copper carbonates malachite and azurite; and
  • Excavation of a shallow hand dug trench confirms that mineralised float is being shed from a narrow 10cm wide vein of high grade copper mineralisation.

An assay of 54.7% Cu and 148 g/t Ag was returned from a recently discovered rock sample on the western edge of the Siam 1W prospect. The mineralised float is located in cropped farmland in an area of moderate relief and minimal outcrop of underlying andesitic volcanics. A shallow 50cm deep hand dug trench at the site of the mineralised rock float exposed a vein which is approximately 10cm wide within a broader altered zone up to 1 metre wide. It can be seen to be oriented in a NW direction and to dip steeply towards the NE. Assays from vein and alteration zone are awaited.

This vein discovery is in addition to the mineralised outcrop discovered at the southern end of Siam 1W close to sample Y138 containing 3.9% Cu and 10.6g/t Ag located 1.46km to the SSE.