The pipeline extends about 600 meters (m) from the regasification facility to the northeast corner of the MapleLNG property where it enters the existing municipality of the district of Guysborough (MOOG) pipeline corridor. The pipeline then follows the MapleLNG pipeline easement in a north to north-westerly direction for approximately 1,100m. The pipeline right of way (ROW) then crosses the Sable road and continues north for about 500m to a point of connection to the M&NP system.
The board’s responsibility to oversee the proposed works does not end with issuing the permit. Rather, the board, with the ongoing assistance of the certifying authority (CA), will continue to monitor the design and construction phases of the proposed works to ensure conformance with the regulations. Upon completion of the proposed works, but prior to the start-up of its operations, MapleLNG is required to file a license to operate (license) application with the board. That license will only be issued once the CA has satisfied itself and the board that the propose works have been designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the Regulations, and that MapleLNG has in place appropriate operation, maintenance and integrity management programs such that the pipeline may be safely put into service. The license may include conditions to ensure ongoing compliance with the regulations.
Once the pipeline is operating, the board’s supervision will continue to ensure that MapleLNG complies with the regulations and the conditions of its license. In that regard, the CA will conduct regular inspections and audits, and report its findings to the board. Should the pipeline be found to be operating in a manner which is not in compliance, the board may take such actions as are necessary up to, and including, suspension or revocation of the license.