The aviation industry will also be able to offset some of the criticism it has received at the hands of environmentalist.

The city of Los Angeles took this land by eminent domain for the express purpose of establishing and operating a regional airport vital to our county’s ability to provide air transportation service now and in the future, Los Angeles county supervisor Michael D Antonovich said. The city should keep its promise to the people of the Antelope Valley or give back the land to its rightful owners.

As per the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Measure B is one of five programmes designed to develop 1,280 MW of solar capacity for Los Angeles by 2020. The Los Angeles Solar Plan, or Solar LA, will include 400 MW for LADWP-owned solar projects (Measure B), as well as 500 MW of large-scale solar projects outside Los Angeles and 380 MW for customer solar programme.