Under the current oil price conditions, investments in oil and gas projects demand a far closer degree of scrutiny. For operators, a closer relationship with government in terms of negotiating regulations which support localisation initiatives and strengthen internationally acceptable local suppliers and a skilled local workforce, give investors a real economic and political advantage.

How localisation can play a significant role in minimising the non-technical risks of E&P investments will be a key question to be answered at the 2017 Getenergy Global meeting on the 8-9th May in London.

To register your place, click here.

With a series of interactive two hour workshops on themes of local skills and enterprise development, opportunities for international partnerships and a series of country/regional focused workshops including East Africa, Mexico & Colombia, MSGBC, Ghana & Namibia, Getenergy invites you to take part in these thought leading discussions. 

Our speaker panel will be led by TVTC Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Energy Mauritania, BP, KOC, Ecopetrol, SENER Mexico, GNPC, Petrosen, Total, UNOC and many more.

For a copy of the full programme, click here.

For more information on the event and how you can be involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch. www.getenergyevent.com