The escalating crisis in the Middle East meant that UK prime minister Tony Blair was unable to raise the issue of climate change with President Bush in their head to head meeting, while the EU members of the group have failed thus far to press Russia to implement the energy charter.

The charter would see Russia adhere to more open policies with regard to its energy infrastructure, and many EU countries are looking to become more involved in gas and oil transit from Russia. The EU remains concerned at the control Gazprom exerts over gas exports in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine supply dispute at the start of 2006.

Elsewhere, Mr Blair failed to gain a consensus over the future development of nuclear power, despite the UK embracing it in its recent energy review.

We recognize that G8 members pursue different ways to achieve energy security and the goals of climate protection, The Independent newspaper cited the G8 energy statement as saying.

Those of us who have or are considering plans relating to the use and/or development of safe and secure nuclear energy believe that its development will contribute to global energy security, while simultaneously reducing harmful air pollution and addressing the climate change challenge, the text added.